Hoi4 best land doctrine
Hoi4 best land doctrine

I do also generally go out of my way to avoid the doctrine. I would never use it in a multiplayer game, period. It is true, however, that it is uncompetitive and very suboptimal. I think if you are going down the infiltration branch it can offer some decent bonuses. As Commonwealth countries it can be worth keeping because you can piggyback on their research progress and potentially save something like 1000+ research days(if you dont have or dont want to spend the 100 army xp). I dont think that GBP is completely useless. There's couple supply-related buffs that help in Eastern Front and China, but for me the real specialty is +48 h supply grace, which works very well for marines and paratroopers in some gimmick setups.

hoi4 best land doctrine

well, there's +5% recruitable manpower, which is gold for manpower-starved minors. Gives a quite punch to the first battles of the operation. France can get insanely high planning bonus with GBP, over 100% IIRC. I'd use GBP as nations that rely mostly on infantry and with countries which get high buffs to max planning. You can get the highest infantry breakthrough, entrenchment and planning bonus with it.

hoi4 best land doctrine

There's also manpower buffs in there, so it's sometimes worth it as a minor. Mobile Warfare shines especially if you can get other speed buffs from military staff or national spirits, plus it gives the highest ORG for both infantry and tanks. Just make sure you take the Integrated Support side. Superior Firepower is boring but very good for any major.

Hoi4 best land doctrine