The protagonist finds the hidden exit again and tries to find a way out. The protagonist enters the basement and finds a secret entrance to a mysterious room, from which he can observe and presume that he used to imprison other people here. As in the beta version, the protagonist must steal the key and open the passage to the basement. The neighbor then hid the red key to the basement in the attic. The neighbor seems to be blocking the door to keep the screaming child inside from coming out, when he finds and catches the protagonist. While picking up the ball, the boy hears what sounds like a child screaming from the neighbor's house, so he walks forward and peeks through the window. The player will start out as a boy playing soccer on the road.

Trying to escape? The neighbors will find a shortcut and catch you. Sneaking through the front door? There will be cameras soon.

Really like climbing through that backyard window? Expect a bear trap there. You play against an advanced AI that learns from your every move. It involves infiltrating your neighbor's house and finding out the terrible secrets he has hidden in his basement. Well thats the game, ive been excited for it & maybe i didnt look into it enough because i had NO idea it was being made to be VR compatable! I was playing their free pre-alpha yesterday & when i closed the game i saw that both oculus home & steamvr had opened, i thought "it couldnt mean." & immediately opened the game up & stuck my head into my rift & bam, i was looking at the neighbors house in vr! Let me just say the tracking is a little off & controls ARE too wonky to sucessfully play, i mean, it's still being developed.Hello Neighbor is a sneaky horror game with a strong strategic edge. Its a really neat styled game where you're essentially breaking into your neighbors house to find out whats in his basement but if he catches you (which he will lol) he learns your tactics & will set up traps forcing you to find new ways inside. Sooo i dunno how many have heard of the game "Hello Neighbor" being developed by Tinybuild.